Hey there guys,
I have been swapping back and forth between fury and arms recently and I don't know if it's just me or if you guys feel fury is better. I felt arms was smoother in 5mans but when I hopped into raid on Elegon I felt way lower than I should be compared to others. Idk if that was because of me holding CDs for the spark phase or what but I think I was able to be smoother as arms throughout the first few pulls I did before swapping to fury.
I don't know if there is a guide you guys could make or have already but any help would be appreciated.
here's my armory just in case I'm missing something. I have a few things I need to update like boots/ring I need to buy/ and a belt buckle/ new legs(and leg armor kit).
Armory: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/m ... r/advanced
Thanks in advance for the help.