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Dutsul's Raid Breakdown

Class: Druid
Current Status: Member
Active Status: Retired
Total Raids Attended: 244
Raid Attendance Percentage: 13.38% (244/1824)
Total DKP Earned: 10657
Total DKP Spent: 9809
Current DKP: 848

Show missed Raids
Raid Date DKP Earned Items Looted
Ahn'Qiraj 06/29/2006 30
Blackwing Lair, Ahn'Qiraj 06/28/2006 40
Onyxia, Naxxramas 06/27/2006 60
Onyxia, Ahn'Qiraj, Naxxramas 06/24/2006 140
Blackwing Lair, Ironforge 06/22/2006 45
Ahn'Qiraj 06/21/2006 90
Naxxramas 06/20/2006 55
Onyxia, Ahn'Qiraj 06/19/2006 120
Blackwing Lair 06/14/2006 45
Ahn'Qiraj 06/13/2006 35
Ahn'Qiraj 06/12/2006 30
Ahn'Qiraj 06/11/2006 45
Blackwing Lair 06/09/2006 45
Ahn'Qiraj 06/08/2006 45
Ahn'Qiraj 06/07/2006 20
Ahn'Qiraj 06/06/2006 40 Qiraji Bindings of Dominance  (265)
Ahn'Qiraj, Onyxia 06/05/2006 45
Ahn'Qiraj 06/03/2006 40
Blackwing Lair, Onyxia 06/02/2006 45 Rejuvenating Gem  (105)
Ahn'Qiraj 06/01/2006 140
Ahn'Qiraj 05/31/2006 65
Ahn'Qiraj 05/30/2006 45
Blackwing Lair 05/29/2006 40
Ahn'Qiraj, Blackwing Lair 05/25/2006 40
Ahn'Qiraj 05/24/2006 50
Ahn'Qiraj 05/23/2006 60
Orgrimmar 05/21/2006 10
Orgrimmar 05/20/2006 20
Blackwing Lair, Onyxia 05/19/2006 70
Ahn'Qiraj 05/18/2006 55
Ahn'Qiraj 05/17/2006 52
Silithus, Ahn'Qiraj 05/16/2006 35
Blackwing Lair 05/13/2006 35
Ahn'Qiraj 05/12/2006 60
Blackwing Lair 05/11/2006 5
Ahn'Qiraj 05/10/2006 27.5
Onyxia, Ahn'Qiraj 05/09/2006 22.5
Blackwing Lair 05/08/2006 10
Ahn'Qiraj 05/07/2006 35
Ahn'Qiraj 05/06/2006 50
Ahn'Qiraj 05/05/2006 50
Ahn'Qiraj 05/04/2006 45
Blackwing Lair, Ahn'Qiraj 05/03/2006 35
Ahn'Qiraj 05/02/2006 27.5
Ahn'Qiraj 05/01/2006 35
Onyxia, Ahn'Qiraj 04/30/2006 50
Ahn'Qiraj 04/29/2006 62.5
Molten Core 04/28/2006 55
Orgrimmar 04/27/2006 10
Blackwing Lair, Azuregos 04/26/2006 95 Gloves of Rapid Evolution  (50)
Drake Fang Talisman  (315)
Empowered Leggings  (45)
Ahn'Qiraj 04/25/2006 35
Molten Core, Onyxia 04/24/2006 5
Blackwing Lair 04/22/2006 55 Shadow Wing Focus Staff  (60)
Blackwing Lair, Ahn'Qiraj, Onyxia 04/21/2006 160
Ahn'Qiraj 04/20/2006 80
Ahn'Qiraj 04/19/2006 55
Orgrimmar 04/17/2006 10
Molten Core, Onyxia 04/15/2006 55
Blackwing Lair 04/13/2006 60
Lethon, Ahn'Qiraj, Onyxia 04/12/2006 22.5
Ysondre, Ahn'Qiraj 04/10/2006 42.5
Ahn'Qiraj 04/09/2006 55
Silithus, Ahn'Qiraj 04/08/2006 75 Qiraji Bindings of Dominance  (420)
Ahn'Qiraj, Blackwing Lair 04/04/2006 35
Ahn'Qiraj 04/03/2006 42.5
Lethon, Blackwing Lair, Molten Core 04/01/2006 75
Ahn'Qiraj, Ysondre, Lethon, Blackwing Lair 03/31/2006 57.5
Ahn'Qiraj 03/30/2006 30
Ahn'Qiraj, Lethon x2, Emeriss, Tearar, Azuregos 03/29/2006 40
Blackwing Lair 03/17/2006 35
Blackwing Lair, Ahn'Qiraj, Green Dragons 03/15/2006 45
Ahn'Qiraj 03/14/2006 35
Ahn'Qiraj, Silithus Bosses, Emeriss 03/13/2006 30
Ahn'Qiraj 03/12/2006 40
Blackwing Lair 03/11/2006 55
Onyxia, Silithus 03/10/2006 20
Ahn'Qiraj 03/07/2006 50
Molten Core 03/06/2006 20
Onyxia, BWL, Ahn'Qiraj 03/05/2006 2.5
Blackwing Lair, Lethon 03/04/2006 60
Ahn'Qiraj 03/03/2006 40
Ahn'Qiraj 03/02/2006 40
Onyxia, Ahn'Qiraj 03/01/2006 35
Ahn'Qiraj 02/28/2006 20
Ahn'Qiraj 02/27/2006 35
Molten Core 02/26/2006 20
Onyxia, Silithus, AQ Trash 02/25/2006 50
Ahn'Qiraj 02/22/2006 45
Ahn'Qiraj 02/21/2006 60
Ahn'Qiraj 02/20/2006 85
Silithus 02/19/2006 10
BWL/Onyxia 02/18/2006 50
Emeriss/Silithus/Ysondre 02/17/2006 10
BWL 02/16/2006 32.5
Onyxia/BWL/Kazzak/Emeriss 02/15/2006 10
Onyxia/BWL 02/10/2006 20
BWL 02/09/2006 25
Onyxia/Lethon/Emeriss 02/05/2006 32.5
MC 02/03/2006 25
BWL 02/02/2006 30
BWL 02/01/2006 45 Stormrage Boots  (350)
BWL 01/31/2006 25
Onyxia 01/29/2006 15
BWL 01/27/2006 45 Stormrage Pauldrons  (350)
Stormrage Chestguard  (350)
Lethon/Silithus/BWL 01/26/2006 30
BWL/Dragons 01/25/2006 40
Onyxia/MC 01/24/2006 10
Silithus 01/23/2006 10
Emeriss 01/22/2006 10
Emeriss/Lethon/BWL 01/18/2006 45
BWL 01/17/2006 22.5
Emeriss/Lethon 01/16/2006 25
MC 01/13/2006 50
MC/BWL 01/11/2006 160
BWL/Eranikus/Onyxia 01/10/2006 40
BWL 01/09/2006 10
BWL 01/08/2006 60
MC 01/08/2006 60 Choker of Enlightenment  (55)
Seal of the Archmagus  (65)
BWL 01/03/2006 40
BWL 01/02/2006 30 Circle of Applied Force  (475)
STV 5v5 01/02/2006 10
Azuregos 01/02/2006 10
BWL 01/01/2006 50
Ysondre/Onyxia 01/01/2006 10 Head of Onyxia  (45)
Emeriss 12/31/2005 20
Emeriss/Lethon x 2/Ysondre/Silithus 12/28/2005 110
BWL 12/27/2005 35
Ysondre/Taerar/Onyxia/BWL 12/26/2005 20 Draconic Maul  (40)
Emeriss 12/25/2005 10
Ysondre/Taerar x 2/Emeriss 12/21/2005 20
BWL 12/20/2005 10
MC/Onyxia 12/18/2005 35
BWL 12/16/2005 120 Malfurion's Blessed Bulwark  (500)
Emeriss/Ysondre 12/14/2005 70
BWL/Onyxia 12/13/2005 -17.5
Emeriss/MC 12/07/2005 65
MC/BWL 12/06/2005 60
BWL/MC 12/05/2005 32.5
Emeriss 12/03/2005 65
BWL/Onyxia 12/02/2005 -40
BWL/Emeriss/Onyxia 12/01/2005 80
Taerar/Silithus 11/30/2005 15
BWL 11/29/2005 22.5
MC 11/28/2005 25
Onyxia/Taerar 11/26/2005 105 Hammer of Bestial Fury  (600)
Taerar 11/25/2005 50
Silithus/BWL 11/23/2005 32.5
BWL 11/22/2005 47.5
Onyxia/MC/BWL 11/21/2005 27.5 Stormrage Cover  (40)
BWL 11/20/2005 77.5
BWL 11/19/2005 75
BWL 11/18/2005 65
MC/Lagwing Lair 11/16/2005 20
BWL 11/14/2005 30
BWL 11/12/2005 7.5 Stormrage Bracers  (350)
BWL 11/11/2005 20
BWL 11/08/2005 35
BWL 11/07/2005 25
Lagwing Lair 11/06/2005 10
BWL/Onyxia 11/05/2005 55
MC 11/04/2005 30
MC/BWL 11/03/2005 40
BWL 11/01/2005 -35
Onyxia 10/31/2005 10
BWL 10/30/2005 30
BWL 10/29/2005 30
MC/BWL 10/28/2005 55 Stormrage Leggaurds  (40)
BWL 10/23/2005 55
MC/Bloodfang Lair 10/22/2005 75 Herald of Woe  (350)
BWL 10/21/2005 70
MC/Onyxia 10/20/2005 50
BWL 10/18/2005 20
BWL 10/17/2005 45
BWL 10/16/2005 60
BWL 10/15/2005 55
MC/Onyxia 10/14/2005 45
BWL - MC 10/13/2005 40 Quick Strike Ring  (525)
BWL - Chromaggus TL 10/12/2005 60
BWL 10/11/2005 65
BWL/Onyxia 10/09/2005 85
BWL 10/08/2005 75
BWL - Molten Core 10/07/2005 60 Dragon's Blood Cape  (300)
BWL 10/06/2005 60
BWL/Onyxia 10/04/2005 30
MC - Chromaggus 10/02/2005 40
BWL 10/01/2005 125 Stormrage Handguards  (350)
MC/BWL 09/30/2005 70
BWL 09/27/2005 105
BWL 09/26/2005 70
BWL 09/25/2005 20
BWL/MC 09/24/2005 80
BWL 09/23/2005 100
Onyxia/BWL 09/22/2005 35
BWL/MC 09/18/2005 55
Onyxia/BWL/MC 09/17/2005 65
MC 09/15/2005 40 Stormrage Leggaurds  (250)
BWL 09/14/2005 30
BWL 09/13/2005 160 Rune of Metamorphosis  (0)
Onyxia/BWL 09/12/2005 30
BWL 09/12/2005 30
MC 09/09/2005 70
BWL 09/08/2005 20
Azuregos 09/07/2005 5
BWL 09/06/2005 30
MC/BWL 09/03/2005 5
BWL 09/01/2005 35
BWL 08/30/2005 45
BWL/MC 08/28/2005 65
BWL/Onyxia 08/26/2005 65 Ancient Cornerstone Grimoire  (50)
BWL / Molten Core 08/24/2005 65
BWL 08/23/2005 35
BWL/MC 08/22/2005 55
MC / Onyxia / AV 08/21/2005 55
Molten Core / BWL 08/20/2005 60
Molten Core 08/19/2005 25
Molten Core 08/17/2005 20
Onyxia / BWL 08/16/2005 30
Molten Core 08/13/2005 70
MC/BWL 08/12/2005 120
BRM PvP 08/10/2005 15
Molten Core 08/06/2005 70 Cenarion Belt  (250)
Cenarion Gloves  (250)
Cenarion Vestments  (250)
Molten Core 08/03/2005 35 Aurastone Hammer  (40)
BWL 08/02/2005 25
BWL 08/01/2005 40
Molten Core / Onyxia 07/30/2005 70
Molten Core 07/23/2005 50 Wristguard of Stability  (55)
Cenarion Boots  (250)
Molten Core 07/22/2005 45
Onyxia - AV 07/21/2005 20 Stormrage Cover  (250)
AV - BWL 07/19/2005 10
Arena 07/18/2005 5
Molten Core 07/14/2005 37.5
Molten Core 07/11/2005 25
Molten Core 07/10/2005 25
Onyxia 07/08/2005 7.5
Azuregos 07/08/2005 2.5
Molten Core 07/07/2005 35
Molten Core 07/01/2005 17.5
Molten Core 06/30/2005 30
Azuregos 06/29/2005 5
Onyxia 06/29/2005 17.5
Molten Core 06/28/2005 30
Molten Core 06/24/2005 37.5
Molten Core 06/23/2005 12.5
Onyxia/Molten Core 06/23/2005 25
Azuregos/MoltenCore 06/20/2005 10
MoltenCore/Onyxia 06/17/2005 35 Wildgrowth Spaulders  (40)
Molten Core 06/16/2005 20
Molten Core 06/15/2005 25
Molten Core 06/14/2005 25
MoltenCore/Onyxia 06/12/2005 25 Ring of Binding  (60)
Azurgos 06/10/2005 5
MoltenCore/OnyxiaAttempt 06/10/2005 22.5
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