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Brakilla's Raid Breakdown

Class: Shaman
Current Status: Member
Active Status: Retired
Total Raids Attended: 366
Raid Attendance Percentage: 19.28% (366/1898)
Total DKP Earned: 17275
Total DKP Spent: 19485
Current DKP: -2210

Show missed Raids
Raid Date DKP Earned Items Looted
Black Temple 07/31/2007 0
Tempest Keep: The Eye, Gruul, Mag 07/30/2007 0
Serpentshrine Cavern, Tempest Keep: The Eye 07/29/2007 0
Black Temple 07/26/2007 0
Hyjal 07/25/2007 0
Black Temple 07/24/2007 0
Serpentshrine Cavern, Tempest Keep: The Eye 07/19/2007 0
Black Temple 07/18/2007 0
Black Temple 07/15/2007 0
Gruul, Magtheridon, Black Temple 07/14/2007 0
Hyjal, Black Temple 07/12/2007 0
Tempest Keep: The Eye 07/11/2007 10 Rejuvenation Bracers  (50)
Serpentshrine Cavern, Tempest Keep: The Eye 07/10/2007 0
Offnight - Attendance 07/06/2007 25
Black Temple 07/05/2007 55
Serpentshrine Cavern, Tempest Keep: The Eye 07/03/2007 0
Doomwalker 05/03/2007 5
Magtheridon's, Tempest Keep: The Eye, SSC 05/02/2007 0
Serpentshrine Cavern, Gruul's Lair 05/01/2007 0
Tempest Keep: The Eye 04/26/2007 0
Doomwalker, Kazzak, Gruul, Magtheridon, SSC, Eye 04/25/2007 45
Serpentshrine Cavern 04/24/2007 0
Offnight - Attendance 04/23/2007 5
Doomwalker, SSC, TK, Kazzak 04/22/2007 22.5
Offnight - Attendance 04/21/2007 0
Magtheridon's Lair, The Eye 04/19/2007 0
Doomwalker, Kazzak, Serpentshrine Cavern 04/18/2007 55
Serpentshrine Cavern 04/15/2007 40
Gruul's Lair, Magtheridon's Lair 04/14/2007 0
Doom Lord Kazzak, Serpentshrine Cavern 04/11/2007 5
Serpentshrine Cavern 04/09/2007 0
Serpentshrine Cavern 04/05/2007 40
Serpentshrine Cavern, Kazzak, Doomwalker 04/04/2007 10
Serpentshrine, Magtheridon's, and Gruul's Lair 04/03/2007 0
Doom Lord Kazzak, Serpentshrine Cavern 04/02/2007 5
Serpentshrine Cavern 03/30/2007 50
Serpentshrine Cavern 03/29/2007 55
Doom Lord Kazzak, Doomwalker 03/26/2007 35
Serpentshrine Cavern 03/22/2007 30
Doom Lord Kazzak, Doomwalker 03/21/2007 10
Gruul's Lair, Magtheridon's Lair 03/20/2007 30 Windshear Boots  (50)
Magtheridon's Lair, Kazzak, Doomwalker 03/18/2007 70
Magtheridon's Lair 03/15/2007 45
Doom Lord Kazzak, Doomwalker 03/14/2007 20
Gruul's Lair 03/13/2007 20
Doom Lord Kazzak 03/12/2007 10
Gruul's Lair, Lord Kazzak, Doomwalker 03/08/2007 40
Doomwalker, Magtheridon's Lair 03/05/2007 35 Fathom-Helm of the Deeps  (100)
Gruul's Lair, Lord Kazzak, Doomwalker 03/01/2007 30
Gruul's Lair 02/28/2007 30
Gruul's Lair 02/22/2007 0
Gruul's Lair 02/06/2007 20
Doom Lord Kazzak 02/01/2007 10
Gruul's Lair 01/30/2007 65
Naxxramas 01/04/2007 30
Naxxramas 01/03/2007 50
Naxxramas 01/01/2007 30
Naxxramas 12/21/2006 20
Naxxramas 12/20/2006 40 Desecrated Tunic  (300)
Naxxramas 12/19/2006 55
Ahn'Qiraj, Naxxramas 12/17/2006 35
Orgrimmar 12/16/2006 10
Ahn'Qiraj 12/13/2006 55 Formula: Enchant Gloves - Frost Power  (125)
Naxxramas 12/12/2006 55 Girdle of Elemental Fury  (200)
Naxxramas 12/10/2006 60
Ahn'Qiraj 12/09/2006 55
Naxxramas 12/07/2006 40 Stygian Buckler  (40)
Naxxramas 12/06/2006 50
Naxxramas 12/03/2006 20
Ahn'Qiraj 12/02/2006 50 Formula: Enchant Gloves - Fire Power  (150)
Naxxramas 11/30/2006 40
Naxxramas 11/29/2006 0
Naxxramas 11/28/2006 0
Naxxramas 11/27/2006 60 The Soul Harvester's Bindings  (110)
Naxxramas 11/26/2006 60
Naxxramas 11/22/2006 45
Naxxramas 11/21/2006 60
Naxxramas 11/15/2006 35
Naxxramas 11/14/2006 65
Naxxramas 11/12/2006 60
Ahn'Qiraj 11/11/2006 50
Naxxramas 11/09/2006 40
Ahn'Qiraj 11/06/2006 90
Naxxramas 11/05/2006 0
Naxxramas 11/04/2006 40
Naxxramas 11/02/2006 60
Naxxramas 11/01/2006 65
Naxxramas 10/31/2006 70
Naxxramas 10/29/2006 155
Naxxramas 10/28/2006 55
Naxxramas 10/26/2006 55
Naxxramas 10/25/2006 55 Seal of the Damned  (1100)
Naxxramas 10/24/2006 65
Naxxramas 10/23/2006 55
Naxxramas 10/22/2006 155
Ahn'Qiraj 10/19/2006 50
Naxxramas 10/18/2006 37.5
Molten Core, Naxxramas 10/16/2006 65
Naxxramas 10/15/2006 0
Ahn'Qiraj 10/14/2006 35
Naxxramas 10/11/2006 50
Molten Core, Naxxramas 10/09/2006 55
Ahn'Qiraj 10/07/2006 30
Naxxramas 10/05/2006 60
Naxxramas 10/04/2006 50
Naxxramas 10/03/2006 60 Desecrated Boots  (300)
Naxxramas 10/01/2006 0
Orgrimmar 09/30/2006 20
Ahn'Qiraj 09/28/2006 0
Naxxramas 09/27/2006 55
Naxxramas 09/26/2006 60
Naxxramas, Blackwing Lair 09/25/2006 100
Ahn'Qiraj 09/24/2006 55
Naxxramas 09/23/2006 40
Naxxramas 09/21/2006 0
Naxxramas 09/20/2006 45 Desecrated Spaulders  (300)
Ahn'Qiraj 06/29/2006 30
Blackwing Lair, Ahn'Qiraj 06/28/2006 65
Onyxia, Naxxramas 06/27/2006 45
Naxxramas 06/26/2006 105
Onyxia, Ahn'Qiraj, Naxxramas 06/24/2006 145
Blackwing Lair, Naxxramas 06/23/2006 85
Blackwing Lair, Ironforge 06/22/2006 45
Ahn'Qiraj 06/21/2006 90
Naxxramas 06/20/2006 55
Onyxia, Ahn'Qiraj 06/19/2006 130 Carapace of the Old God  (715)
Blackwing Lair 06/14/2006 45
Ahn'Qiraj 06/13/2006 35 Cape of the Trinity  (490)
Ahn'Qiraj 06/12/2006 30
Ahn'Qiraj 06/11/2006 45
Ahn'Qiraj 06/08/2006 45 Imperial Qiraji Regalia  (300)
Ahn'Qiraj 06/07/2006 20
Ahn'Qiraj 06/06/2006 40
Ahn'Qiraj, Onyxia 06/05/2006 45
Ahn'Qiraj 06/03/2006 40
Blackwing Lair, Onyxia 06/02/2006 45
Ahn'Qiraj 06/01/2006 140
Ahn'Qiraj 05/31/2006 65
Ahn'Qiraj 05/30/2006 15
Blackwing Lair 05/29/2006 80
Ahn'Qiraj, Blackwing Lair 05/25/2006 40
Ahn'Qiraj 05/24/2006 60 Vek'lor's Diadem  (500)
Grasp of the Fallen Emperor  (510)
Ahn'Qiraj 05/23/2006 60 Qiraji Bindings of Dominance  (360)
Ahn'Qiraj, Silithus 05/22/2006 35
Silithus, Ahn'Qiraj 05/16/2006 55
Onyxia 05/15/2006 10
Blackwing Lair 05/13/2006 27.5
Ahn'Qiraj 05/12/2006 60
Blackwing Lair 05/11/2006 20
Ahn'Qiraj 05/10/2006 50
Onyxia, Ahn'Qiraj 05/09/2006 60 Formula: Enchant Gloves - Threat  (290)
Ahn'Qiraj 05/07/2006 40
Ahn'Qiraj 05/06/2006 50
Ahn'Qiraj 05/05/2006 50
Ahn'Qiraj 05/04/2006 50
Ahn'Qiraj 05/02/2006 55
Ahn'Qiraj 05/01/2006 50
Onyxia, Ahn'Qiraj 04/30/2006 65
Ahn'Qiraj 04/29/2006 65
Molten Core 04/28/2006 47.5
Blackwing Lair, Azuregos 04/26/2006 57.5
Blackwing Lair, Ahn'Qiraj, Onyxia 04/21/2006 165
Ahn'Qiraj 04/20/2006 80
Ahn'Qiraj 04/19/2006 60
Ahn'Qiraj 04/18/2006 50
Orgrimmar 04/17/2006 10
Molten Core, Onyxia 04/15/2006 65 Salamander Scale Pants  (45)
Blackwing Lair 04/13/2006 60
Lethon, Ahn'Qiraj, Onyxia 04/12/2006 65
Ysondre, Ahn'Qiraj 04/10/2006 67.5
Ahn'Qiraj 04/09/2006 55
Silithus, Ahn'Qiraj 04/08/2006 75
Molten Core 04/07/2006 55
Ahn'Qiraj 04/06/2006 45
Blackwing Lair, Onyxia 04/05/2006 40
Ahn'Qiraj, Blackwing Lair 04/04/2006 85
Ahn'Qiraj 04/03/2006 60 Formula: Enchant Gloves - Healing Power  (125)
Lethon, Blackwing Lair, Molten Core 04/01/2006 25 Ring of Blackrock  (75)
Ahn'Qiraj, Ysondre, Lethon, Blackwing Lair 03/31/2006 75 Formula: Enchant Cloak - Dodge  (155)
Ahn'Qiraj 03/30/2006 30
Ahn'Qiraj, Lethon x2, Emeriss, Tearar, Azuregos 03/29/2006 50
Onyxia, Ahn'Qiraj 03/27/2006 45
Molten Core, Ahn'Qiraj 03/26/2006 65
Blackwing Lair, Ahn'Qiraj 03/25/2006 30
Blackwing Lair 03/24/2006 30
Ahn'Qiraj, Blackwing Lair 03/23/2006 65 Shroud of Pure Thought  (255)
Rejuvenating Gem  (155)
Ysondre, Emeriss, Ahn'Qiraj 03/22/2006 50
Lagwing Lair 03/21/2006 20
Ahn'Qiraj 03/14/2006 45
Ahn'Qiraj, Silithus Bosses, Emeriss 03/13/2006 10
Ahn'Qiraj 03/12/2006 45
Blackwing Lair 03/11/2006 55
Molten Core 03/09/2006 60
Ahn'Qiraj 03/07/2006 50
Onyxia, BWL, Ahn'Qiraj 03/05/2006 160 Lok'amir il Romathis  (1300)
Breastplate of Ten Storms  (350)
Blackwing Lair, Lethon 03/04/2006 70 Deviate Growth Cap  (215)
Ahn'Qiraj 03/02/2006 50
Onyxia, Ahn'Qiraj 03/01/2006 10
Ahn'Qiraj 02/28/2006 40
Ahn'Qiraj 02/27/2006 50
Onyxia, Silithus, AQ Trash 02/25/2006 50
Ahn'Qiraj 02/23/2006 100
Ahn'Qiraj 02/22/2006 40
Ahn'Qiraj 02/20/2006 215 Ring of Swarming Thought  (150)
Silithus 02/19/2006 10
BWL/Onyxia 02/18/2006 60
Emeriss/Silithus/Ysondre 02/17/2006 55
BWL 02/16/2006 45
Onyxia/BWL/Kazzak/Emeriss 02/15/2006 40 Ring of Entropy  (215)
MC 02/14/2006 45 Earthfury Vestments  (250)
Sabatons of the Flamewalker  (250)
Emeriss 02/12/2006 5
BWL 02/09/2006 45
MC/BWL 02/08/2006 5
Onyxia/Lethon/Emeriss 02/05/2006 10
BWL 02/02/2006 45
BWL 01/27/2006 45
Lethon/Silithus/BWL 01/26/2006 50
BWL/Dragons 01/25/2006 40
Onyxia/MC 01/24/2006 70
Silithus 01/23/2006 10
Emeriss 01/22/2006 10
MC 01/20/2006 20
BWL/Onyxia 01/19/2006 60
BWL 01/17/2006 22.5
MC 01/13/2006 30
BWL/Eranikus/Onyxia 01/10/2006 40
BWL 01/09/2006 50 Empowered Leggings  (40)
BWL 01/08/2006 60
MC 11/28/2005 67.5
Onyxia/Taerar 11/26/2005 105
Taerar 11/25/2005 50
Silithus/BWL 11/23/2005 32.5
BWL 11/22/2005 47.5
Onyxia/MC/BWL 11/21/2005 55
BWL 11/20/2005 77.5
BWL 11/17/2005 30
MC 11/15/2005 60
BWL 11/14/2005 50 Primalist's Linked Legguards  (100)
BWL 11/12/2005 77.5
BWL/Onyxia 11/10/2005 20 Helmet of Ten Storms  (60)
MC 11/09/2005 10
BWL 11/07/2005 40 Red Dragonscale Protector  (505)
Lagwing Lair 11/06/2005 15
BWL/Onyxia 11/05/2005 55
MC/BWL 11/03/2005 40
BWL 11/01/2005 20
Onyxia 10/31/2005 10
BWL 10/30/2005 30
BWL 10/29/2005 60
MC/BWL 10/28/2005 55
MC/BWL 10/27/2005 60
BWL 10/26/2005 35
MC/Onyxia 10/25/2005 50 Onyxia Hide Backpack  (130)
BWL 10/24/2005 45
BWL 10/23/2005 55
MC/Bloodfang Lair 10/22/2005 75
BWL 10/21/2005 70
MC/Onyxia 10/20/2005 50 Formula: Enchant Weapon - Spell Power  (20)
Onyxia Hide Backpack  (130)
BWL 10/18/2005 35 Epaulets of Ten Storms  (350)
BWL 10/17/2005 65 Gauntlets of Ten Storms  (350)
BWL 10/16/2005 60
BWL 10/15/2005 55
MC/Onyxia 10/14/2005 60 Salamander Scale Pants  (50)
BWL - MC 10/13/2005 40
BWL - Chromaggus TL 10/12/2005 60
BWL 10/11/2005 65
BWL/Onyxia 10/09/2005 5 Onyxia Hide Backpack  (125)
Onyxia Hide Backpack  (130)
BWL 10/08/2005 75 Greaves of Ten Storms  (350)
BWL - Molten Core 10/07/2005 70
BWL 10/06/2005 60
BWL/Onyxia 10/04/2005 30
MC - Chromaggus 10/02/2005 75
BWL 10/01/2005 125
MC/BWL 09/30/2005 70
Onyxia/BWL/MC 09/29/2005 20
BWL 09/25/2005 50
BWL/MC 09/24/2005 60
BWL 09/23/2005 110 Natural Alignment Crystal  (0)
Onyxia/BWL 09/22/2005 40
BWL 09/20/2005 50
BWL 09/19/2005 105 Black Brood Pauldrons  (305)
Onyxia/BWL/MC 09/17/2005 80
MC 09/15/2005 40
BWL 09/14/2005 35
BWL 09/13/2005 160
BWL 09/12/2005 30
Onyxia/BWL 09/12/2005 50
BWL 09/10/2005 15
BWL 09/08/2005 25
BWL 09/07/2005 15
Azuregos 09/07/2005 5
BWL 09/06/2005 30
Onyxia 09/05/2005 10
MC/BWL 09/03/2005 10
MC 09/02/2005 35
BWL 08/30/2005 15
BWL/MC 08/28/2005 65
BWL / Molten Core 08/24/2005 65
Molten Core / BWL 08/15/2005 30
Onyxia 08/10/2005 10
BRM PvP 08/10/2005 40
BWL 08/09/2005 50
Molten Core 08/06/2005 85
Molten Core / Onyxia 07/30/2005 70
Molten Core 07/29/2005 50
Molten Core 07/23/2005 40
AV 07/20/2005 10
AV - BWL 07/19/2005 40
Molten Core / Onyxia 07/15/2005 85 Legplates of Ten Storms  (250)
MoltenCore 07/13/2005 15
Molten Core 07/11/2005 75
Molten Core 07/07/2005 70 Aurastone Hammer  (180)
Azuregos 06/29/2005 10
Molten Core 06/28/2005 60
Molten Core 06/23/2005 40
Onyxia/Molten Core 06/23/2005 50
Molten Core 06/15/2005 50
Molten Core 06/13/2005 60
China 06/07/2005 35
Molten Core 06/06/2005 60
Onyxia/Kazzak 05/30/2005 115
MoltenCore 05/29/2005 55
MoltenCore 05/28/2005 20
Molten Core 05/23/2005 100
Molten Core + Stormwind 05/19/2005 50
MoltenCore 05/17/2005 40
MoltenCore/Azuregos 05/16/2005 65
MoltenCore 05/13/2005 20
MoltenCore 05/11/2005 55
MoltenCore 05/10/2005 50
Onyxia 05/09/2005 10
MoltenCore 05/09/2005 65
MoltenCore 05/07/2005 50
MoltenCore 05/06/2005 75
MoltenCore 05/05/2005 45 Fireproof Cloak  (255)
MoltenCore/Onyxia 05/04/2005 25
Molten Core 05/03/2005 60
Azurgos 05/01/2005 45
Onyxia/Molten Core 04/29/2005 105 Head of Onyxia  (755)
Molten Core 04/27/2005 55
Molten Core 04/26/2005 45
Molten Core 04/20/2005 65
Onyxia + Stormwind Raid 04/17/2005 60
Lord Kazzak + Onyxia 04/16/2005 70
Molten Core 04/15/2005 40
Molten Core 04/14/2005 5
Molten Core 04/12/2005 60
Onyxia 04/11/2005 55
Molten Core 04/10/2005 35
Onyxia 04/08/2005 30 Helmet of Ten Storms  (250)
Molten Core 04/04/2005 55
Molten Core 04/03/2005 60
Onyxia 04/02/2005 45
Molten Core 04/02/2005 35
Onyxia 04/01/2005 65
Molten Core 04/01/2005 25
Azuregos 03/31/2005 50
Molten Core 03/28/2005 55
Molten Core 03/26/2005 115
Lord Kazzak + Molten Core 03/25/2005 50
Onyxia 03/24/2005 50
Molten Core 03/21/2005 35
Molten Core 03/20/2005 115 Belt of Ten Storms  (250)
Molten Core 03/18/2005 50 Bracers of Ten Storms  (250)
Molten Core 03/17/2005 60
Molten Core 03/16/2005 35
Molten Core 03/15/2005 50
Molten Core 03/14/2005 30
Molten Core 03/13/2005 30
Molten Core 03/12/2005 150
Molten Core 03/11/2005 140
Molten Core 03/10/2005 30
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